Active Directory Password Synchronization

Ceitcon password synchronization is a tool developed by Ceitcon and will be integrated with the hoster’s active directory and the tenant’s active directory and will be mainly responsible of detecting any password change and updating the destination directory with the new password.



Ceitcon password synchronization is a tool developed by Ceitcon and will be integrated with the hoster’s active directory and the tenant’s active directory and will be mainly responsible of detecting any password change and updating the destination directory with the new password.

Solution Components

Hoster Level: AD Agent & Transport service

Tenant Level: AD Agent & Transport Service

Software Requirments

Component Description Supported OS Software prerequisites
AD Agent It is a service developed by Ceitcon and will be installed on all the domain controllers and will be installed on both sides Windows server 2008R2, 2012 and 2016 Active directory Role installed
Transport service It is a web service developed by Ceitcon and will be installed on the DMZ zone on both sides Windows server 2008R2, 2012 and 2016 IIS Role
Mapping tool It is a tool developed by Ceitcon and will be installed on the tenant side only and will be collocated with the transport service Windows server 2008R2, 2012 and 2016

Hardware Requirements

Hostname Appliance RAM CPU Disk Size
Hoster-TS01 Physical/virtual 8 GB 2 cores 150 GB
Hoster-TS02 Physical/virtual 8 GB 2 cores 150 GB
Tenant-TS01 Physical/virtual 4 GB 2 cores 100 GB
Tenant-TS02 Physical/virtual 4 GB 2 cores 100 GB

Data Sheet/Brochure
